Friday, June 24, 2011

Study: Hearty Potato Makes You Fat

The hearty potato that gained so much credit for its nutritional value is now receiving huge slaps due to recent finds. Researchers from Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, in Boston, for instance, have recently found that potatoes cause more weight gain than any other foods known to spike fatty deposits around the waist.

Were the researchers referring to the fried potatoes, which you’ve always known to really get you into trouble? Hardly the case. According to the study, whether you fried your potato, mashed it with butter and garlic, or simply banged it in the oven or had it boiled, it still comes out far worse than what a sugary drink, double bacon cheeseburgers, or gulping on high caloric alcoholic drink.

The study found that a daily extra serving of potato chips adds up an average of 1.7 pounds in four years, and about 1.3 pounds throughout the same period for eating non-chip form of potatoes. Munching of French fries tops a 3.4 pounds added to total weight gain in four years. But the problem does not simply stop with the additional weight, but with the fact that the body easily transforms the starchy food into glucose. Hence, posing a much greater problem called increased blood sugar levels, commonly known as diabetes. The list of complications goes long.

Having the burden of keeping blood sugar levels to a normal level, the pancreas will be overworked. When the pancreas becomes successful with its burdensome job, the blood sugar levels will plummet, causing the individual to suddenly feel hungry and lead to another bingeing or simply snacking. As this condition continues over a long period, the result is drastic weight gain and overly fatigued pancreas, possibly contributing to type 2 diabetes.

And oh, wait, that’s not all. Potatoes are also packed with significantly high amount of calories in such a relatively small package. The baked potato, which is believed to be real healthy, contains 278 calories. Its unhealthy French fries cousin is packed with 500 to 600 calories per serving. When compared with the other so called unhealthy foods, such soda, the latter looks entirely shrunk. A 12 oz. Coca-Cola contains only 140 calories, while 150 calories in Pepsi. Imagine piling such a huge amount of calories into your system everyday; you’ll surely swell and end up being treated by those in medical uniforms while lying in a hospital bed.

That’s a real bad news for potato lovers like me. And I’m not buying it just yet. Potatoes are among the healthiest vegetables that I can’t undo from my table just like that. It’s got 48% of vitamin c, 47% potassium, 18% iron, 26% dietary fiber, and 4% calcium. If eaten without salt and fixings, you get to have the benefits from those nutrients. And if you eat potato raw, the amount of vitamin c spiked to 121% and the dietary fiber up at 32%! With better regimen of physical activities, more healthful diet, skipping the smoke, and regulated alcohol intake, weight gain is going to stay off the equation.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Is it rational to heed warning on cell phone use cancer risk?

World Health Organization has repeatedly assured the public before that cellular phones do not pose any harm to health, but just this week, WHO sounded alarm regarding the brain cancer risk of cell phone use. However, while the scientists and many medical professionals try to make people understand the seriousness of the matter, others consider it having limited evidence.
WHO compared cell phone radiation to substances such as Chloroform, exhaust from gasoline engine, DDT pesticide, and lead, all of which known to cause health problems when accumulated.

Radiation emitted by cellular phones is carcinogenic. According to WHO, a multi-country study found that there is a 40% increased risk of a rare type of brain cancer called glioma on people who used cell phone 30 minutes every day for 10 years. Unreleased papers also show that cell phone radiation can also increase risk of acoustic neuroma and brain tumor in the part of the brain where cell phone radiation is greatest.

Why do people doubt this warning?

People don’t see yet the long term effect of cell phone use to brain because these gadgets have only been in the society for around 2 decades. Significantly, scientists cannot establish evidence based on that. Also, the generation that has been using cellular phones at a very early age has just started. Further, Dr. Kate Black of the Department of Neurosurgery, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center said, “the overall risk of developing a malignant brain tumor is about 6 per 100,000 per year.”

Do we really have to be concerned of this warning?

The levels of radiation emitted by cell phones in the U.S. are within government safety limits. But what is safe depends on important factors such as age. Take at the print shot shown below. The red spot you notice in the image is the radiation that penetrated into the brain. And as shown, the 5-year-old kid is affected the most than the 10-year-old as well as the adult. This suggests that long term exposure to cell phone radiation may actually cause brain cancer, especially with children whose skulls are thinner and brains still developing.

The most recent study on cell phone effect to brains showed that brain activity increases with cell phone held in the ear than when it’s not. The said study did not find any direct link to brain cancer. However, since it’s radiation level is similar to a microwave, even considered low, can still cook the brain in the long run.

Given the potential consequences of public health…it is importance to take pragmatic measures to reduce exposure. – WHO

They say the warning was based on limited evidence. The 31 scientists of WHO do not deny such a fact. However, we would be wise to take in mind that cigarettes were then doubted to cause harm, and it took long to really establish solid evidence that cigarettes indeed cause harm. So it just makes sense to take precautions.

Cell phone users may use earpiece or headset, or speaker phone. Instead of calling, they can opt to texting more often. And, of course, people can cut down on phone use. Always reconsider whether or not the call you are making is really important or simply unnecessary.

Doing such measures does not spell panicking, but a sound precaution. For one, lowering risk of any type of health problem saves you from huge costs for treatment in the future. You and your family will have a lower probability of having to fear any bad news from those in medical uniforms and lab coats. And you would be happy to find lower cell phone bill.