With the monumental social changes in the country, such as unwanted pregnancies, AIDS epidemic, cohabitation, and gay rights, it is only normal for people to make changes in their sexual attitudes and resort to some known preventive measures against any unwanted effects resulting from these changes. Along with these changes, the country is also bombarded with pornographic materials, igniting just anyone’s erotic nature. As a result, more people involve themselves in sexual acts more often, including teens. Consequently, problems related to unprotected sex rise uncontrollably. Despite knowledge of these, adults seem to be a lot less wise on this matter than teenagers.
Just what can be done by the use of condom? Hearsays tell condom obstructs with achieving sexual satisfaction. In the same study conducted, 85 percent of men and two-thirds of women experienced orgasm. Could it be because adults think they can easily handle the results, while teenagers want to avoid any responsibilities as much as possible? Whatever the reason is the use of condom or practicing protected sex can still improve people’s odds. Condom primarily protects from sexually transmitted diseases, and had 98% efficient in preventing pregnancies.
For a teenager, losing virginity is an important turning point of life, wherein the use of condom can have a significant value. However, sex abstinence until marriage still has the best benefits. For couples or partners who are determined to be responsible on their sex life but are unsure about the benefits of using condom, a talk with an OB gyne will clear any doubts. Couples can choose to see a professional in womens scrubs if both feel they would be more comfortable in talking the matter with a female. But whatever gender wears those scrub tops and scrub pants, the important thing is that they can become more responsible in their sex lives.
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