A recent study published in The Journal of American Medical association, confirmed that radiation emitted by cellular phones increases brain activity. But whether or not the said boost in brain activity makes cell phone radiation a risk factor in developing brain tumors or not remains unanswered. Although, this could raise worries among wireless phone users and speculations among adamant activists, it would not be right to jump into any conclusions as the study actually answered nothing of the old concerns.

Focusing on how cell phone’s electromagnetic energy affects brain activity or brain glucose metabolism by the use of PET scans for 50 minutes, researchers from National Institutes of Health found healthy participants’ brains nearest to the source of radiation reacted to radiation even if devices were set mute. It fueled 7% increased glucose metabolism. Significantly, results raise new questions concerning the long been debated health risks being tied with cell phone.
Scientists still need to look further into possibilities and make more thorough study of different cases as well as risk factors. Essentially, no physicians in medical uniform can use this and other similar studies as basis on diagnosing a patient’s health condition, or even suggest that cell phone use could be causing their headache.
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